4 Ways To Choose The Best High Heel

  • October 30, 2022

Every girl wants a pair of gorgeously simple yet stylish cat-eye high heels that are equally functional. The good news is, it’s not as hard as you might think to find the perfect shoe that matches your taste and provides you with the comfort and style you crave on a budget. Here are 4 ways to choose the best high heel, whether they be on the cheap side or designed by world-renowned designers.

1. Check the heel

The easiest way to find out if a pair of high heels are right for your style is check the heel. You don’t need to get caught up in the numbers of centimeters or inches you see in many online websites, or labeled on the shoes themselves. You should determine your preference for high heels by taking into consideration if you want slightly higher heels (3-4 inches) or really high heels (5-6 inches and up). In any event, it’s usually a good idea to go with something that matches your style and height. Most women choose heels with low or mid-heels, which can be fashionable and stylish while still being functional enough for everyday use.

2. Eye for color

It’s easy to tell whether you like a pair of shoes or not just by looking at them, but it can be hard to know what color is the right one for you. You should try on all kinds of shoes in different styles and colors before settling on the best high heels. Here are some tips:

If you have a lot of light-colored outfits and want to match your shoes with other colors, choose one with a darker colored sole, like red, brown or black. This will appear more vibrant against light-colored outfits and will make other colors stand out.

If you have a lot of dark-colored outfits, try to pair these shoes with shoes that are lighter in color. For example, if you want to wear black high heels with dresses with blue and green patterns, try wedges that are light-blue or green.

If you tend to wear a lot of dark clothes, then pair your high heels with a shoe that will complement your outfit or match it perfectly. For example, if you have many dark outfits and wish to create contrast between the dress and the shoe’s color, it would be best to choose high heeled shoes in white or pastel shades.

If you have a lot of outfits that are light-toned, avoid high heels with dark soles. This will give your whole outfit a darker appearance and can make clothing appear to be too dark or dim.

3. Price point

High heels not only come in all shapes and sizes, but also at an array of price points as well. For example, you can find high heeled shoes with prices ranging from $3 to $3,000. The specific range will depend on what kind of design you’re looking for and how famous the designer is. High heel shoes come in three basic price ranges: affordable ($10-$100), mid-range ($100-$300) and expensive ($300+). It’s also a good idea to spend just a few hundred dollars on your first pair of high heels, so you have some experience with them and can tell if they are the right fit.

4. Size

If you have a petite frame, it can be challenging to find a pair of high heels that are not too long. However, it’s a good idea to avoid shoes that are too short as well especially if you normally wear heels with an inch or two added to their length. You should always consider the width of your foot when shopping for high heeled shoes on the cheap or mid-range price point. This will tell you whether or not the heel will fit properly, and also tell you how much volume there is in your shoe as well. For example, if you typically wear a size 5 in regular shoes, then buy high heel shoes that fall between size 5 and 6.

It’s not as hard to find a pair of high heels that fit your style, as long as you know what to look for. Choose shoes with the right heel height and color, and try on a variety of styles and colors that fit both your outfits and your budget. Keep in mind the width of your foot when shopping for shoes, but remember that you can always find ways to make high heels work for any outfit or occasion.

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